Thursday, August 2, 2007

puremvc Reusing components as subcomponents / dynamic mediators

from cliff

You might go with multiple instances of the same VideoPlayerMediator. The idiom of using a constant for the Mediator name won't work though, and you'll have to dynamically give the Mediator a name. Dynamically-named Mediators can best take their name by appending 'Mediator' to their View Component's instance name. The Rather than having a constant NAME, the Mediator would have a private name variable, which it sets at construction time based upon its View Component's id. Then in getMediatorName, we return this property. (Multiplicity in Mediators will be covered in the upcoming courseware).

Make the tile component that holds the multiple video components be a custom component that passes events from its children to its Mediator. The Mediator for the tile component knows about how to deal with the video components it contains.

The first one is probably the best option since it would be more reusable.


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