Thursday, August 2, 2007

puremvc Mediator notification handling

from Cliff
Mediators should play a fairly simple and mechanical role in the architecture:

* Receive Event information from their View Components, gather information from the View Component and/or custom Event and send it off in a Notification.
* Receive Notifications, extract the data mostly from the Notification, and update the View Component.

Similar to a switchboard operator. Who are you calling, sir? Ok, I'll route you through.

Although you can do most anything in a Mediator, limiting it to this role and pushing more complicated stuff, (the sort of stuff you might actually want to reuse) into a Command is a better idea. This keeps the Mediator simple and lightweight, doing only the minimum work necessary to adapt the View Component to the system.

For guidance about the Mediator's role, examine the three Mediators of the Architecture 101 demo, and how they adhere to this simple ambition. Note that a more complicated activity such as deleting a User (and their associated Roles) are done in a Command.

Because they are special case adapters for custom View Components, it is not expected that Mediators will be the most reusable aspect of a system. Due to the relatively simple role Mediators play, I sought the simplest way of 'plugging' them into the system.

But of course this doesn't change the way you feel about the particular implementation. This is why I did my best to make PureMVC a system where you could take or leave as much as you want. If you're down with the out of box way of doing things, great. If not, there are plenty of ways to customize it to your like.

So as to how you might override this Mediator Notification behavior:

When the the View class's registerMediator method is called, it interrogates the Mediator for a list of Notification interests, by calling its listNotificationInterests method. The View maps each Notification name returned to an Observer object that points the Mediator instance and a predetermined callback method - handleNotification.

Examine the View.registerMediator method to see how this happens.

Inside View.registerMediator, when an Observer object is created, it is registered with the View's Observer Map through a call to the public method registerObserver. We typically don't create Observers, they're usually used internally by the Core actors to map Commands and Mediators to Notifications.

Consequently, the Facade does not have a registerObserver method, and it is not required by IFacade, which exposes the Core actor methods that are expected to be in typical use, and not actually the full IView, IModel and IController interfaces.

Your first step is to simply not return anything from listNotificationInterests in your Mediator. This way the View simply registers the Mediator in its Mediator Map and goes on about its business.

Then you want to add a registerObserver method to your concrete ApplicationFacade. This method should in turn call registerObserver on the View. It is not governed by an interface, so its signature can be different from that of the View. This means it can save the Mediator the work of constructing the Observer object, as sendNotification does for INotifiers.

Have your registerObserver method accept the Notification name, a reference to the Mediator instance, and a reference to the callback function. Then it would construct an appropriate Observer instance and call view.registerObserver. (the Facade has a local protected reference to the View Singleton called 'view')

Next, in your Mediator constructor, for each Notification you want to be notified of, do this:

facade.registerObserver( ApplicationFacade.SOME_NOTIFICATION_NAME, this, handleSomeNotification );

That should get you where you're wanting to go.

If I get a chance I'll work this into the courseware. I'm coming up on the section about Mediators, and clarifying this subject with hands on examples would probably be good. This is one of those areas, where the out of box way is simple and will cover most cases, but if you want a different flavor of behavior, you can get to it quickly.

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