Monday, July 9, 2012

remove ranorex automation from flex builder

ref: here

Manual Setup of Ranorex Java Plug-In

  1. First of all close all Ranorex Tools.
  2. Now you have to determine the path of your active Java runtime Environment to know where to copy the necessary files to. Open the Java Runtime Environment Settings which can be found in 'Java Control Panel' (Control-Panel -> Java). There you can see the path of your Java Runtime Environment. If you have more than one Java Runtime Environment installed on your machine, check which one will be used to execute your Java applications by determining which one is activated.
  3. After identifying the path you have to copy each of the following files to its corresponding directory based on the root folder of your java runtime installation (e.g. 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\'). The given files are located in the Ranorex installation folder (e.g. 'C:\Program Files\Ranorex 3.2\Bin')
    • '' to \lib
    • 'RanorexAutomation.jar' to \lib\ext
    • 'JavaHelper32/64.dll' to \bin
After restarting you Java application you should be able to use the Ranorex for your Java application under test. 
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